Traveler's Company Traveler's Notebook Refill 011 Binding Bands Passport Size
Traveler's Company Traveler's Notebook Refill 011 Binding Bands Passport Size
Traveler's Company Traveler's Notebook må være en af de mest legendariske notebooks i verden.
Traveler's Company - Midori Japan - Traveler's Notebook er især vundet frem efter vi er blevet overdynget med smartphones - der er stadig et stort behov for at kunne skrive noter, doodles og have information samlet i notesbøger.
011 Binding Bands bruges til at sætte flere notesbøger sammen i din Traveler's Notebook.
Produceret i Japan!
Traveler's Company Traveler's Notebook Refill 011 Binding Bands Passport Size
Traveler's Company Traveler's Notebook must be one of the most legendary notebooks in the world!
Traveler's Company - Midori Japan - Traveler's Notebook has never been more popular - in spite of the technology of the smartphone. There is still a need to write notes, draw doodles and keep information in a good old notebook.
Sometimes you need more notebooks at once. For example when you work on several projects at the same time, when you want to keep your private notes seperate from work notes, when you want to write in one, but want to draw or sketch in another.
Just use these Bindings Bands Midori has created for this purpose; put one band over the cover of a refill first. Then add and attach the cover of your second notebook to the first, and voila: two refills harmoniously linked together.
Made in Japan!